Super Job
“Super Job”, an e-recruiting portal developed with Page Group (world’s leading recruitment company) and Vertical Foundation (Spinal Cord Injury Advocacy Group), purposes to eliminate the prejudices that hold people with disabilities back and encourage inclusion, by changing perspectives about the potential that people of all different abilities bring to the workplace. It is a digital ecosystem (portal and social media) providing free accessible job search for disabled people by connecting them with inclusive companies seeking resources to integrate in their organizations. Moreover, job seekers can find interesting news on market’s trends, tips to prepare for a job interview, and companies can receive assistance on how to manage recruitment and selection.
In 2021, we are going to booster the portal, both in terms of features/contents, and in terms of partnerships’ opportunities (media, third sector, etc.) to promote the project.
Laboratorio Adolescenza
On Tuesday, July 4th, the first results of the national survey on the lifestyles of adolescents living in Italy were presented. The survey is conducted annually by “Laboratorio Adolescenza” and “Istituto di ricerca IARD”, with the operational support of Mediatyche Ltd., on a representative national sample of 5670 students aged between 13 and 19 years.
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Agol Prize "Giovani Comunicatori"
The Neopharmed Gentili Group focuses on promoting the culture of Diversity and Inclusion, with the aim of providing a service to the community thanks to support for initiatives and partnerships on the national territory as an integral part of its production activities.
The will is that of contributing to the health of citizens through a company policy attentive to the territory and the social context in which in operates.
In particular, the relationship between people with disabilities and the business environment still remains a critical dimension in our country; despite the fact that Italy has adopted a regulatory system aimed at promoting social inclusion, overcoming the merely welfare vision of people with disability.
Disability and diversity in the workplace are an added value that not only promotes inclusion, but produces concrete benefits for companies in terms of innovation, growth and development.
Inclusion is not a cost: companies that improve inclusion of disabled people over time are 4 times more efficient compared to their competitors (Accenture- “The disability inclusion advantage”).
The promotion of inclusion is an engine of innovation: openness, listening, acceptance and enhancement of differences fosters new opportunities for the organization and improve the effectiveness of business.
WHAT WILL WE BE ASKING TO YOUNG PROFESSIONALS who will participate in the “Diversity and Inclusion” section?
Promote a new approach to inclusion within production realities, be they large companies, PMIs or commercial activities.
By formulating a communication plan that must be integrated, providing for online and offline actions, at the same time innovative and effective in the content and media chosen, which must be detailed and accompanied by info and materials to support the suggest choices (target analysis, benchmark, ect.)
The cross-media campaign will focus on “SUPERJOB” is the new innovative digital initiative created with the unconditional contribution of Neopharmed Gentili, whom efficiently brings the together the business world and people with disabilities, focusing on individuals values and the expression of their human and professional potential.
Agol prize AGOL Prize “Giovani Comunicatori” 2021 ReportOther projects
Neopharmed Gentili supported the organization of meeting “Violence against women”, promoted by the National Observatory on Women’s Health (O.N.Da) and the World Health Organization (WHO), held in Rome on 10 April 2014, with the aim of: presenting the statistics on gender-based violence and the WHO Guidelines on Violence against Women; discussing how members of parliament in Italy and other countries have worked to raise awareness and develop legislative instruments to tackle violence against women and their experience in the ratification process of the Istanbul Convention and facilitating the application.
We has also contributed to realising the “Guide for the hot weather” and the “Guide for the cold weather”, handbooks containing simple but useful advice to prevent damage caused by excessively high or cold temperatures: at home, outside, and when using medicines.
The Company supported the campaign “Viva gli Anziani: un futuro per tutti”, with a focus on “Ten years of active monitoring of over 75s”, by the Sant’Egidio Community.