Our Manifesto

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Neopharmed is committed to being a leader in the healthcare field through its sustainable business strategy aimed at developing innovative pharmaceutical solutions that improve people’s quality of life.

We are living in a world that is undergoing significant changes. Our planet has been exploited beyond its limits and its balance has been disrupted. We are changing the ways by which we live our lives and perceive society.

Consequently, we at Neopharmed recognize the importance of embracing global Environmental, Social, and Governance principles and practices (ESG) by acting sustainably on a daily basis and by promoting social responsibility, transparency, and environmental protection initiatives.


We asked the colleagues to answer a few questions to tell us what it is for Neopharmed Gentili, Social Responsibility according to the pillars that constitute it of personal vision of Neosostenibility.

What are the key elements of Neopharamed Gentili's Strategic Sustainability Plan?

What initiatives are being undertaken to increase staff wellbeing and share this value with the community?

How important is attention to the environment, the correct use of resources and the circular economy for Neopharmed Gentili?

What is the value of correct medical-scientific information and transparency for Neopharmed Gentili?

The Ambassadors

We have identified a group of Ambassadors representing the diversity and functions of the company who will monitor our progress and performance with respect to the objectives set and will be the bearers of initiatives towards colleagues.

Roberta Bergomas
Regulatory Affairs Officer

Tommaso Bianchi
Quality Control Analyst

Simona Bianconi
Accounts Payables Specialist

Nicolas Bruni
Junior Medical Advisor

Leonardo Gallasio
Product Manager

Mattia Genovese
Business Development Specialist

Stefania Gurgone
Accounts Receivable Specialist

Ines Merola
Supply Chain Officer

Umberto Mitri
Field Manager

Angelo Montuoro
Senior IT System Administrator

Carmen Politi
HR Specialist