SUPERJOB – the project

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«SUPERJOB» is the new innovative digital initiative thought and realized by Neopharmed Gentili, whom has easily and efficiently brought together disabled people and the entrepreneurial world; making their values and their human and professional potentials the core of this project.

The project

  • Has been created to promote a new approach of inclusion within production realities, being them large companies, SME’s or commercial activities
  • In addresses and networks companies, third sector realities, institutions, disabled individuals and their families
  • Has been designed to ensure maximum accessibility: the website is intuitive and easy to navigate even for color blind and visually impaired users
  • Si avvale della partnership con Michael Page, primaria agenzia di recruiting, particolarmente sensibile al tema della diversità (una call to action reindirizzerà i fruitori – Aziende e Lavoratori – ai form di iscrizione loro dedicati sul sito della società partner).

A platform that brings people closer

An agile platform that allows the encounter between job demand and offer, to facilitate job inclusion of disabled people: companies and recruiters upload job advertisements in the “Job” section, interested users apply by uploading their CV and profiles Looking for a job

An interactive and educational portal

An interactive and informative portal that foregrounds the value of diversity to overturn the perceived in relation to the fundamental role of the CSR of each company.
A storytelling made up of news, data, history cases, open to all stakeholders, managers and HR managers