Sustainability Report

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The Sustainability Report 2023 represents Neopharmed Gentili S.p.A.’s first annual non-financial reporting exercise on a voluntary basis and is the result of a path undertaken by the Company to share with its stakeholders the actions implemented, the main results in terms of ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) performance and future objectives, in order to provide complete and transparent communication.

Within the document there are also references to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

These represent an opportunity for the Company to actively and tangibly contribute to sustainable development by focusing on areas directly related to its business activities. To ensure the pursuit of the commitments made by Neopharmed Gentili S.p.A., a “Sustainability Committee” has been established, consisting of a number of heads of internal business functions whose task is to monitor the Company’s progress and performance.

The data and information reported in the Report refer to the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023, and were obtained and validated through a process of identifying and selecting the issues of greatest importance to the Company and its stakeholders.

The document was drafted by virtue of a participatory process involving all the different corporate functions with the support of a specialized external body. In drafting it, efforts were made to minimize the use of estimates and, whenever possible, available data were compared with those of the previous year in order to ensure the trustfulness of the information and provide an accurate and up-to-date representation of the performance put in place by the Company.

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